Students looking at geocache

A group of Carroll County Middle School students learning about ancient inventions took a geocaching trip recently.

Geocaching is a hide-and-seek style game in which people use a GPS or mobile device to find a cache that is hidden. The finder takes something from the cache and leaves something behind for the next person or party to find the cache.

Larisa James introduced some of her Panther block students to geocaching. “When we started reading about compasses I thought I could use geocaching as a hook to continue reading about the history of that invention and how technology has changed over time,” she said.

Several of her students downloaded the geocaching app on their phones and located a cache in  a cemetery within walking distance of CCMS. They used the app to find the cache, which was a magnetic tin attached and hidden on the inside of the cemetery gate.

She said the students now want to create their own cache closer to the middle school.