Student Drops Egg and Container

Science students learned peanut butter is one of the safest ways for an egg to travel.

Mariah Adair’s sophomore science class at Carroll County High School has been studying Newton’s first law of motion. She challenged them to create a system to protect their eggs. A lot used tape and bubble wrap, some used styrofoam, one even used balloons. But, the most unusual was an egg encased in a jar of peanut butter.

“While choosing their materials, they had to keep in mind the factors of air resistance, external factors, Newtonian mechanics and inertia,” Adair said. The eggs and their containers were dropped from 20 feet onto a metal target in the CCHS gymnasium.

After the drop, the class reflected on the success and failure.

Adair’s class was assisted by Megan Baldwin’s special education class. Several of them dropped eggs as well.