Mock Accident Scene

A mock accident scene involving a drunk driver was held at Carroll County High School yesterday. The depiction was used as a message to not drive under the influence or drive distracted, particularly during the upcoming prom and graduation seasons.

Area law enforcement and emergency services responded to the high school parking lot as if it were an injury accident. Members of the junior and senior classes observed the event.

“Pay attention to what you’re going to see here today,” Carroll County Director of Emergency Management Tony Crutcher told the crowd. “If you drive under the influence or if you drive distracted you could be in an accident and there are no do-overs.”

In addition to the message on safe driving, the members of the criminal justice pathway class used the scene as their final exam. Students were broken into investigators, photographers and arresting officers.

The scenario was that a teenager, portrayed by Kayley Cates, was driving under the influence. Cates wore “drunk goggles” for the event and was given field sobriety tests by CCHS students in conjunction with law enforcement. An injured person, portrayed by Aiden Crutcher, was cared for by emergency services, loaded into an ambulance and ultimately taken to the helicopter ambulance which landed in the field by the Area Technology Center. The scene also included one fatality, a teenage girl portrayed by Reagan Miller, who was ejected from the vehicle because she was not wearing a seat belt.

“As we near the end of school, we want our students and families to celebrate their accomplishments in a safe manner. Hopefully this experience will impress upon our students the importance of not being distracted or under the influence while operating a vehicle,” said Carroll County Schools Superintendent Casey Jaynes.

Assisting in the event were the Carrollton Police Department, Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Carroll County Ambulance Service, Ghent Fire Protection District, Carrollton Fire Department and PHI Air Medical. The CCHS Drama Club provided the actors and special effects for their injuries.