Gov. Beshear, Zack Kindoll and Aymee Kindoll

Zackary Kindoll loves dragons so it was no surprise he created an award-winning bank design of a dragon guarding a volcano full of treasure for the Kentucky Saves piggy bank design contest.

Zack entered the contest as part of Kentucky Saves, an initiative to promote saving money, building wealth and reducing debt. The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the program. Zack learned of the competition from Joyce Doyle, the local extension service agent.

“When I first saw the competition I was full of ideas,” Zack said. “I’m a huge fan of dragons.”

His bank features a volcano, which is a lampshade covered in paper mache with a jar inside to hold the coins. The dragon, which is guarding the volcano full of treasure, was made of clay. He finished the project in two to five days, completing a little at a time, Zack explained. The dragon gave him a few challenges because the snout kept falling off, but he was able to figure out a solution.

Zack’s bank won at the county and regional level. He was one of 12 statewide winners whose creations were featured in the Capitol Rotunda in Frankfort.

“I was just awestruck,” Zack said when he learned he had won the competition. He and his parents took a day off school to go to the rotunda for a ceremony. They met Gov. Andy Beshear and Zack said he got to shake his hand.

“I was amazed that the governor was there,” Zack said, noting Gov. Beshear gave him a pen with his signature on it.

Zack said he learned to love art at a young age. “At that point it was more like I admired art and I loved my own creations,” he said. Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, is an inspiration for a lot of his art. He also calls on old folk tales as an impetus for his work.

He started with a love of painting, but didn’t find it satisfying so he began drawing. Jeremy Cobb, the art teacher at Carroll County High School, has helped hone that skill.

Cobb said Zack has worked hard on his drawing skills and is full of questions. “I have been working with him in class on perspective, adding value and composition. Once Zack began to get comfortable we established a great relationship,” Cobb said, noting Zack seeks out his opinion and that of his classmates. “Zack has been and will continue to be one of my students with great skill and determination,” Cobb said.

“I have a real talent for art, but I would like to work with animals,” Zack said. “Art just calms my brain.”