Band students from CCMS and CCHS will perform March 9 as a precursor to their annual band festival. The seventh grade will perform at 5:30 p.m., high school concert band at 6 p.m., eighth grade at 6:30 p.m. and the high schoolā€™s symphonic band at 7 p.m. Guest directors will also be on hand to give the students feedback about their performance. These mini concerts are open to the public and will take place in the CCMS auditorium
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Willhoite
Bari sax player
Band playing
Trumpet player
Band playing
Tuba player
Drum player
Band playing
Students in Carroll County High School's law enforcement pathway worked recently on collecting fingerprints. These students are doing cyanoacrylate fuming on items they brought in and then dusting them for latent prints. Once they get a print, they collect it and put it on a card mark and label the print. This is a small part of the Project Based Learning component that lasts an entire semester for the dual credit class in Criminal Investigations.
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Willhoite
Students collecting fingerprints
Students collecting fingerpriints
Students collecting fingerprints
Students preparing to take the ACT exam on March 7 have access to a valuable tool to prepare for the test - Cert forSchools. This platform provides students with practice tests that closely resemble the actual ACT exam, allowing them to gain familiarity with the format and content of the test. ā€œWe strongly encourage our juniors to take advantage of Cert for Schools to maximize their preparation for the ACT. The more they practice, the better they will do on test day. Additionally, achieving a high score on the ACT can open doors to many academic and career opportunities,ā€ said Christin Lewellyn, CCHS instructional coach. Lewellyn said studying for the ACT is an essential investment in a studentā€™s future and Cert for Schools is a powerful resource that can help them achieve their best possible outcome on the exam. A medida que se acerca el examen ACT del 7 de marzo, queremos recordarles una herramienta valiosa que su hijo/a puede utilizar para prepararse para la prueba: Cert for Schools. Esta plataforma proporciona a los estudiantes pruebas de prĆ”ctica que se asemejan mucho al examen ACT real, lo que les permite familiarizarse con el formato y contenido de la prueba. Les recomendamos encarecidamente que su hijo/a aproveche Cert for Schools para maximizar su preparaciĆ³n para el ACT. Cuanto mĆ”s practiquen, mejor les irĆ” en el dĆ­a del examen. AdemĆ”s, obtener una puntuaciĆ³n alta en el ACT puede abrir puertas a muchas oportunidades acadĆ©micas y profesionales para su hijo/a. En resumen, estudiar para el ACT es una inversiĆ³n importante en el futuro de su hijo/a, y Cert for Schools es una herramienta poderosa que puede ayudarles a obtener el mejor resultado posible en el examen. Por favor, anime a su hijo/a a aprovechar esta valiosa herramienta y hĆ”ganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Willhoite
The Carroll County Board of Education is seeking applications for the position of Computer Training Specialist (Computer Technician.) Come and join our Carroll County family! Click the link below to access the job description and apply today!
almost 2 years ago, Carroll County Schools
stack of books with a tablet on top
Welcome to our new website!
about 2 years ago, Carroll County Schools
scrabble of school-related words