Carroll County Middle School Principal Dr. Robin Stephenson has embarked on a journey to sharpen and improve her leadership skills.
The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Foundation sponsors a Leadership Institute for School Principals. Each year, 48 principals are selected for this honor throughout the Commonwealth. Stephenson will begin with a conference in July then attend two sessions at the Chamber of Commerce office in Frankfort.
“It really allows you to tap in on the strengths of your leadership style,” she said, noting she will also learn leadership attributes that are not associated with her particular style. “Any time I can grow professionally, I take advantage of the opportunities.”
Carroll County Schools Superintendent Casey Jaynes notified Stephenson of this opportunity and wrote a letter of recommendation for her to attend.
“As a graduate of the first cohort of the Leadership Institute, I found that this was one of the most impactful training opportunities that I have been a part of for leadership development,” Jaynes said.
According to its website, The Leadership Institute for School Principals offers principals an opportunity to receive powerful individual leadership development. The programming, valued at $12,000, is provided at no cost through a partnership with Truist Leadership Institute.
Stephenson said the program focuses a lot on self-awareness and determining how beliefs drive behavior and create schoolwide results.
“I’m going in as a student,” Stephenson said. “I hope I can become a better leader for all of our stakeholders.”